CodeDay Event Rules (CDER)
CDER0. Incidentals to participation.
You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for any costs incurred in connection with your participation in the event, including without limitation, travel, accommodations, supplies, and use of personal devices.
CDER1. Waivers and releases.
In consideration for participating in CodeDay, you (or, if you are a minor, your parent or legal guardian) must sign both waivers and other releases.
You will be required to sign a liability waiver.
You will be required to agree that (a) you, your bags, and your other personal property are all subject to screening, search, and other security checks at any time during CodeDay; (b) CodeDay reserves the right to prevent any property from entry into the event; and (c) all personal property is brought at your own risk, and you are responsible for safeguarding it.
You will be required to sign a media release which allows us to, among other things, take photos and recordings of you and your projects.
CDER2. You own the rights.
Notwithstanding the previous section, you and your team members own all the rights to everything you create at CodeDay. If you work with a team and expect to release an app or game, you should be clear about who owns what rights.
Unless your team agrees in advance, you agree to split ownership equally between all team members. (A "team member" means anyone who made any contribution to your project, except for CodeDay-designated staff, mentors, and volunteers.)
CDER3. Eligible attendees.
Most CodeDay events have age or other limits which affect which students may participate. During the registration process, you are required to provide the accurate age of all attendees as of the start of CodeDay, so our system can make a determination as to your eligibility to attend.
You certify that all information you provide in your registration is accurate, and that you meet all eligibility requirements documented on the registration form. CodeDay reserves the right to verify your eligibility. If you provide an inaccurate age or otherwise do not meet the eligibility requirements documented on the registration form, you will be refused entry or removed from the event without a refund.
Teachers may attend with students without a ticket, but must show proof of their status when checking in. Schools which want to send chaperones should contact us at least one week in advance; chaperones may be required to undergo a background check unless the school has already conducted one.
CDER4. Minors.
Minors must be mature enough to behave safely in a self-directed event without constant supervision. Parents or guardians certify that they have had a conversation with each minor about their maturity and expectations for the event, and are satisfied the student can behave safely during the event.
During the event, minors may only leave the event if picked up by a parent or guardian, or if a parent or guardian authorizes their exit by phone or writing (sending the student with a written note is sufficient).
Unless permission to leave is given, a parent or guardian must be available to pick up all minors at any point during the event.
CDER5. Event Behavior.
No excessive video gaming: CodeDay is a creative event, and is not designed for students who simply want to play existing video games. Other than scheduled CodeDay activities, participants observed playing video games will be asked to stop, and repeat offenders will be asked to leave.
Clean up after yourself: Don't make a mess, and clean up your space before you leave.
All teams must pitch: CodeDay is a community event. Teams formed before the event must pitch their idea during the pitches, and must be open to new members joining their team. Violating teams will be disqualified from all awards, and may be removed from the event.
Don't be disruptive: Attendees who are regularly disruptive to others may be removed from the event. This includes violations of our Code of Conduct as well as any behavior which impairs the ability of others to participate in the event.
CDER6. Awards.
Awards will be decided either by judges or by the event staff. No attendee is allowed into the area where judges are discussing awards.
In order to be eligible for the Best in Class and Best in Show awards (but NOT required for Special Prizes), projects must comply with the following rules:
a. A team must comprise 1-6 people who are registered CodeDay attendees. (However, attendees can be registered for any ongoing CodeDay event, and may be participating virtually.)
b. Projects may use any generally available programming languages, tools, APIs, engines, frameworks, music, art, tutorials, or codebases — whether freely available or proprietary, and regardless of availability of source code. "Generally available" means it was available to, and discoverable by, the general public prior to the start of CodeDay; that any fee charged is reasonable and market-rate; and that it was not developed exclusively for your team's project.
c. You must disclose all such resources your project uses (a) in discussion with the judges, (b) during your presentation, and (c) on your project's page on CodeDay Showcase.
d. You can work on the concept for your project before the competition begins, including making notes, sketches mockups, database and inheritance diagrams, and storyboards, however you can not produce any production-ready content before the kickoff. This includes images, test cases, engines, sounds, and music.
e. Except as provided above, all work on the project must occur by the team, between the end of the kickoff and the beginning of the presentations. (Commissioning paid work is forbidden.)
CDER7. Event staff have final say.
The organizers will interpret all event rules and the Code of Conduct in understanding of the spirit. Organizers have the authority to disqualify you from any awards, remove you from the event, and have you banned from future events. If you're removed from the event, you will not receive a refund, and may need to call a parent to pick you up.
CDER8. Bans.
If you register for an event once you have been banned, you will not be allowed entry, and your ticket will not be refunded.