Support your community with $2,000+ in free laptops to give away to low-income students, and free Uber rides for attendees from low-income areas.

Teach your community to code without feeling like school.

We had a CodeDay at my school when I was in 6th grade, and it really inspired me to learn to program and ignited my love for computer science. Now I’m a senior in high school and I’m plan to study cyber security.
— Brenden R, CodeDay Student
When you organize a CodeDay, you'll help hundreds of students in your community learn to code. Despite being an educational event, all it takes is one look around to see something you rarely see in a classroom: every single student is smiling, engaged, and excited to be learning.
Sign up to organize!
No experience needed! You'll have our support every step of the way.

Spotlight Creativity to reach people who would never usually go to a coding event

CodeDay Summer 2022
CodeDay Winter 2024
RPG but everything's weird
CodeDay Summer 2022
Slime Time
Virtual CodeDay December 2020
Self: A Lost Image
Virtual CodeDay Winter 2021
File: A Lost Message
Virtual CodeDay December 2020
Greaning Haus
Virtual CodeDay Fall 2021
Cats and Donuts
CodeDay Winter 2023
Space Crash
CodeDay Winter 2023
CodeDay Summer 2022
There are lots of great classes, clubs, hackathons, and other events for people who know want to code. Only CodeDay is focused on people who don't like coding, don't want to learn, and don't go to coding events.
As an organizer, you'll draw on our 10+ years of experience to run an event which attracts students who are only interested in art, music, voice acting, writing, and other creative pursuits. And then you'll show them how fun and creative coding really is!
Each time you organize a CodeDay event, you'll help create dozens or even hundreds of totally new programmers - people who would never have learned to code if not for you.

Why organize CodeDay?

(Click to read more or view all testimonials)

An intersectional event which brings people together no matter their background.

It's all about trying to create a new reality. Some people sit down an write a book, or you can stare at a painting and imagine yourself in it. ... Using programming is just another way to make that immersive and easier to express that.
— Trinity , CodeDay Student
68% of CodeDay attendees are from a group traditionally underrepresented in tech. This isn't by accident, we've perfected the most effective model for promoting and supporting diverse students! As an organizer, you'll get:
  • Guide + weekly coaching based on 10+ years of experiments.
  • Laptops to give to low-income students. TO KEEP!
  • Free Uber rides for low-income students to/from CodeDay.
Many events provide these opportunities by limiting participants to a certain group, but CodeDay takes a different approach; we prefer to foster positive relationships between attendees no matter their background, grounded in a shared excitement for the creative things we can build with technology.
Sign up to organize!
No experience needed! You'll have our support every step of the way.